Elliot Sharp; guit/bcl
Melvin Gibbs; e.bass/electr
Lucas Niggli; drums

Crossing the Waters:
During the two-weeks festival by INTAKT records at John Zorn's club The Stone in New York's East Village, these three musicians met for the first time. An ad hoc trio with diverse backgrounds and biographies, but a very clear common goal: instant composing with hypertension, where Elliot's blues, Melvin’s Funk and Lucas’ Drive found perfectly together to celebrate an unique music with no borders, lots of colours and massiv energy.
It has sparked so intensivly, in its literal sense, that Melvin’s amp gave up the ghost after only a short time. After a small interruption of the trio has been resumed, and then laid a brilliant set. As the centrifuge guitar sounds thrown over rolling beats, a sound with relentless drive, bluesy power, with great expressivity.
A new guitar power trio was born, featuring compelling digressions into adventurous soundscapes based on blues, rock and free.
On the very day after the three musicians went  for a recording session to a brooklyn-studio and produced the CD "Crossing the Waters" for Intakt Records which will appear in 2013.

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