Lucas Niggli - Peter Conradin Zumthor Drum Duo


Alfred Zimmerlin in his Linernotes: "Lucas Niggli and Peter Conradin Zumthor are not classically-trained percussionists; they come from rock music, free jazz, improvised music. The physical and rhythmic character of both of Profos' "Dances", extraordinarily difficult to perform, suit them and give them pleasure. At the same time the compositional clarity and power of these compositions, as well as their lack of formal narrative structure stand in apposition to the extensive, sensuous, emotional and profoundly expressive improvisations that we can hear at other concerts by the Niggli-Zumthor duet (and in other performances by these musicians). It was essential to take an innovative, very disciplined approach to measure up to these two Profos compositions, so precisely worked out. .....This impression is also imparted in an astonishing way by the album itself, whose central element is Niggli and Zumthor's performance of Felix Profos' ERSTER TANZ and ZWEITER TANZ. They've managed to achieve more than a "snapshot" of a live performance, precisely because, with extreme sensitivity to the kinetic and cathartic character of the compositions, they have created a musical space that allows the disc to be experienced as a complete entity. The speakers send out a work composed of sound, time and space moving in equal measure the listener's mind, heart and body. ......The course of time will lose its meaning. It's worth spending time with this album by the Niggli-Zumthor duet, so carefully thought out in every respect.

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